Friday, April 6, 2012

Super Teddy

So around October, Ben and I saw this guy at Costco and B loved him and wanted to buy him with his own money. His birthday was coming, so I poo-pooed it, thinking I'd get it for him for that or Christmas. Well they ran out and never got any in for Christmas. I was at Costco a couple weeks ago and lo and behold, there they were. He's super soft and comfy but REALLY big! The morning after he got him, I found them like this when I came downstairs. :)


Stan Rosenthal said...

I'm just glad you didn't buy him an elephant.

Linda said...


Totals for last week:
R: 43
S: 45
s: 35
D: 36
L: 42
b: 34

Our pics, minus Dave..he's out of town.

L: Troy rew, Chelsea imm, Tarzan out
b: Sabrina r, kat imm, Kim out

RecknHavic said...

Obviously a Texas bear.

RecknHavic said...

Our pics:

R-Jay rew, Kim imm, Jay out
S-Kim rew, Chelsea imm, Jay out
s-KIm rew, Jay imm, Tarzan out

RecknHavic said...

My pics; theres later..

R Chelsea rew & imm, Troyzan out

Linda said...

Our pics:
D: Chelsea rew, Alicia imm, Troy out
L: Chelsea, Troy, Leif out
b: Sabrina, Troy, Kim out.

LAST week's totals are as follows:
R: 49
S: 51
s: 35
D: 40
L: 48
b: 35

I'll total tonight's when I get your girls' picks. :)

RecknHavic said...

Girls pics:

S-Troyzan imm, Christina ot
s Troyzan imm, Kat ot

No need for their rew ics

I swear my letters to the right on "i" (not conting the leter "o" only work when they want too ans now the hyphens acting. I can at times missell close and s ck o get words...

Linda said...


R: 51
S: 55
s: 37
D: 42
L: 54
b: 37

Reg. your ya go:

RecknHavic said...


Keyboard is FOUR times larger for visually impaired...thanks for that

RecknHavic said...

Cr* in 3rd..

Linda said...'re welcome. I think it'll work well with your typing style, too. Less likely to mis-hit!

Stan Rosenthal said...

Darn I'm getting very close to being that blind. I think I'm gonna save that link.

Stan Rosenthal said...

Linda -
> Ok Stan, believe it or not, I was able to sing along to that youtube video.

Linda, it's a new season (upcoming.) And I'm not asking (nor do I think you would be the best choice 4 vocalist like I think would be the case 4 my White Rabbit parody) U to sing on it, only write on it (my potential parody of Hello, Goodbye.) ...

Linda said...

Our pics:
D:Chelsea rew, Christina imm, Tarzan out
L: Troy, Chelsea, Troyzan out
b: Christina, Tarzan, Kim out

RecknHavic said...


R-Chelsea rew, Troyzan imm, Chelsea out
S Chelsea rew, Kim imm, Troyzan out
s Sabrina rew, Troyzan imm, Tarzan ot

Linda said...

R: 52
S: 61
s: 37
D: 45
L: 59
b: 37

Interesting episode..apparently girls rule and boys drool.

RecknHavic said...

Im fading as fast as they are...