Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ducks Beware

So we got camoed up for the big hunt...

With the exception being my socks...

We set out the decoys...

The duck butts are my favorite. (Plus they give you an excuse to say "nice a**" whenever you want.)

We went into hiding...

D tried calling em over....

I did shoot, but D got this one.
I had mixed feelings. On the one hand, 'hey we killed a duck!'

On the other hand, 'aw...we killed a duck!'

We had a windchill of 40, and it rained pretty good. Great duck hunting weather..not so great 'Linda sitting in a boat' weather. Naw, I enjoyed it and I'd go again. We didn't get many shots off, tho..they weren't real interested in our decoys and mostly flew past us.


RecknHavic said...

Meat is murder ;)

Yeah, that was one dead duck.

Two heater.

RecknHavic said...

Ya know, you're a regular Sarah Palin.

It looks cold in those pics...lucky.

So, how many did yall get?

RecknHavic said...

Just thinkin, been a LONG time since I went duck huntin; it IS lotsa fun. Geese huntin too. Seasons haven't started yet here I don't think tho.

Linda said...

We only got the one. Believe me, I woulda shown pics of the other ones if there were some!

Hey, space heater...

I went pheasant hunting once, and I liked that cuz you're walking and kicking them up out of the brush. I'd bet grouse and woodcock w/ a bird dog would be a hoot. D used to do that w/ our German Shorthair Pointer back in the day. What I'd really like to try is shooting wolves out of a helicopter! ;)

RecknHavic said...

I don't think I'd like shootin wolves from a copter, I'd use a knife, just to make it sportin ;)
You do realize it was to thin out predators so there'd be more game right?

Nice pink mittens btw :)

Linda said...

I was thinkin I'd tie my ankle to the whirly bird and hang upsidown to make it "sportin". Yeah, I did know that.

Thanks. Matches the fur on my boots.

Linda said...

And those snowpants were worthless. I had 2 pair of sweats on under those and I was wet all the way through. Next time...neoprene waders.

Linda said...

Hey, I have a question about voting early. I've never really heard of that. I knew about the absentee ballots, but how do you vote early? Are there booths set up somewhere, like every day? Doesn't where you vote depend on your precinct?

Oh! I was in the gas station/party store up north today and I saw a board game for you. Up Northopoly!

RecknHavic said...

Yeah, ya can't go wrong w/ neoprene.

Linda said...

gn...electric blanket's callin my name...

RecknHavic said...

I want that gm!

I've never voted early so I've no idea.

gnu2...I'm crankin down the a/c and cuttin on the fan.

Nestor said...

Early voting is not in every state. We normally have early voting at my job, so I usually vote before I go into work, but this time I was off they day they were at our hospital. But there are early voting places all over the city. The great thing about early voting is you can go to any one. If you vote on election day you have to go to YOUR precinct. I have never actually voted at my assigned precinct and have no idea where it is, or even what precinct I'm in.

When I was in the Army I kept my Florida residency, so I always voted absentee. But in Texas, I have always voted early. It's basically like voting any other way I guess. You bring in your drivers license or your registration card and a photo ID. They scanned the bar code on my license, made me sign a sheet, gave me a code for the computer and I voted. Pretty easy...unless you're really old, or an idiot. I do have one beef with the process though. There is an option to vote in Spanish. I'm sorry, but if you can't read English well enough to vote, you shouldn't be voting in a U.S. election.

RecknHavic said...

I like votin on election day, but I can understand the early votin thing; less time in line. i didn't know bout the votin anywhere thing. This will be a special one tho since oldest and weekend daughter will be votin for 1st time.

RecknHavic said...

Sittin here watchin TWC and there talkin bout Great Lake snow...I want snow!

Nestor said...

I understand the idea of voting on election day. I remember going with my mom to vote, probably in '88. It was cool. It made me think that it must be important if people were willing to wait in that long line. But now, as much as I'd like to vote on election day, I just have too much stuff going on to spend a signigicant amount of time voting. It took about 10 minutes and that included unloading and loading the kids.

RecknHavic said...

I hear ya, since I'm usually goin after work it does take a long time. But still, it's neat.

Nestor said...

I was originally thinking about the duck thing what Reck said about Palin. You should run for mayor of whatever town you live in, and then governor of Michigan. Before you guys shot at the ducks, did you guys shout, "It's comin' right for us!"

Linda said...

Ha, yeah, I'll get right on that. No, I what D said was "watch out" which is code for "get outta my way, this duck is MINE."

Yes, it's cold here today! 38 right now, toppin out at 45. Jiminy.

Linda said...

My voting experience should be interesting..the kids have the day off, so I'll take em. But T wants McCain (says all Obama thinks about is wind power and he should be incorporating more solar), and B's for Obama (college tuition help). It's funny...just what they've heard on t.v. Let's hope they don't try convincing me to their side while I'm in there behind the curtain. Geez, maybe I SHOULDN'T take em.

Nestor said...

It's 54 here, but we got the Hawk comin' outta the north so it feels much colder. It's supposed to only get to 68-70 today, which will be the coldest day since probably March or maybe April. Eh, probably March.