Sunday, November 16, 2008

Let it Snow...

Usually we're hoping for a white Christmas, and while this may melt before then...I'd say not bad for November 16th! Must be that "global cooling" everybody's talking about. Or was that "warming"? "Climate change"! That's right..."change".


RecknHavic said...

Ok, e1 here just looked at yalls snow and were all quite jealous. In fact there were a few, "Ah maaan"s and a couple a "Texas sucks" thrown in.

We'll be there for Thanksgiving :)

Beautiful pic btw. I'm really not liken this "never snows here" thing right now.

Linda said...

Ha..."Texas sucks". You didn't take that layin down, didja? It's easy to see the greener grass. Being able to camp in November is pretty cool to me.

I'll serve "dressing" then.

Thanks. These trees are great..I'm lucky to have em on my front lawn. It seems I have a thing for trees.

RecknHavic said...

It looks like a freakin post card. Yes, you're fortunate.

Mail us a snowball wouldya.

Fire goin here. Brought back some a the killer firewood we got at Palmetto. Burns well.

RecknHavic said...

Ok, just readin at TWC. Yall due for more snow...we're dur for above ave

Linda said...

I shouldn't tell you this, but I've already googled how to mail a snowball. You ruined my surprise. Now if I do it, you'll think it's cuz you told me to. Havic!

Nestor said...

I do miss snow. I'm hoping for a freak storm like they had down in the valley a few Christmases ago, but in Central Texas instead. I think one or two nice snowstorms a year would be good for me. Maybe I'll move to NC...nah. Great pics of the snow. Was that flat part your driveway?

RecknHavic said...

If I get a soggy letter, I'll know it was you.

We can wish, huh Nest. That's one a the main reasons were headin into the "real" Hill Country (soon), better chance a snow. That and the scenery, slightly cooler summers, small town values...I could go on.

Linda said...

The trees are near the street in front. I think the street is what you're seeing. (Not snow covered).

Linda said...

Nah...I guess you can do it if you pack it in dry ice. Overnight of course. Actually I'm kinda bummed you went and said that, cuz I had plans on lookin into it.

So where's the "real" Hill Country? In what direction?

I'm thinkin you probably have the small town values covered. Small town or not.

RecknHavic said...

North/northwest a here. Ten minuter drive and all sign a the burbs disappear. It's not bad where we're now livin, some elevation and views if you get outta the neighborhood. But I want true elevations, views and such. Guess I need real estate that matches my values.

I'm hopin that the home, land, etc bubble does burst and that land values come back down to earth around here. I've been mizering it away for awhile no, waitin.

RecknHavic said...

Wow, feels like 20 there. THAT"S cold. And in nov, don't know how yall do that. I think I'd like 20 maybe once or twice a year. Give me 30s and snow and I'd be a happy camper.

Linda said...

Not me. We got in at the wrong time. I'm startin to think we'll be lucky if we can stay here as long as we thought we could. Time will tell.

Linda said...

It's really cold when your wimpy dog needs your encouragement to go to the bathroom. I have to stand out there and say "go potty" about 6 times before the little sh*t- I mean princess, will go. She goes 3 ft and looks back at me waiting for me to say it.

Now you understand my elation come April.

RecknHavic said...

Fire's fadin and so am (was) I.


Nestor said...

I was reading an article about the Lions. It seems like there is serious talk about them going away. LA Lions????

Linda said...

I don't wanna hear that Nestor. We fans have been stickin by them for too long for talk like that. I'll be ticked.

Linda said...

Listening to Christmas music in the car and B says 'this is a Christmas song?' I say yes, and he says, 'then why did they say "Jesus" in it?' Guess he forgot the whole "what Christmas is" talk. Don't worry, T jumped it. Any excuse to correct B and he's there.

Linda said...

T's reading and he gasps. B asks him what's wrong, and T explains, "It's just something I do. Every time I reach chapter 10 in a Michigan Chiller book I gasp."

Little quirky?

Nestor said...

It's just what I read. Apparently the Thanksgiving game isn't near a sellout, Detroit has four stadiums for four teams, and of the four teams, one of them is perpetually terrible, and the other three are usually good. With a bad economy, (at least in Michigan, the economy in Texas is still pretty good) and revenues down, it would make sense if ANY of the Detroit teams were going to move, that the Lions would be the one. The NFL is dying to get a team in LA, so moving a team makes sense. The team I have seen as most likely to move for the past few years has been the Saints though. If they moved to either SA or LA they wouldn't even need a name change, just get rid of the fleur-de-lis. But with the Lions being so bad, I wouldn't be terribly shocked. The only thing that makes me skeptical about a Lions move is the history of the NFC 'Norris' Division.

Nestor said...

After looking at the divisions, it might not be too difficult. Move the Lions to LA and the NFC West(they could probably win a few games in that divison) and move the Rams to the NFC North. Too easy!

OK Linda, I'm just messing with you, I'll stop.

Linda said...


Linda said...

So no deer for D yet. Tho among the 20 or so of em, they've got 6 hangin on the pole. He was in town to shower, which is always good. They used to go the whole week, but now they split a motel room and go in shifts. I'd imagine the outhouse gets real old, too. yuck. I've been up there once. (Iron River in the UP, near Wisconsin.)It's uber remote. It was night time and when I got out of the car I heard some sort of animal walking close by. Didn't care for that at all. He showed me the cabin and we left. Talk about feeling "citified".

Linda said...

Major draft coming through the side of the front door near the bottom. Anybody have a suggestion or do I have to have someone re-hang the door? I'm pretty sure it's off.

RecknHavic said...

Could be the weather stripping's worn, the threshold's in need of repair or it's just real freakin cold where you live.

RecknHavic said...

Pleeeaaasseee someone take the Texans. Course LA texans wouldn't work. SA...that'd work. On second thought, they should stay where they are.

Linda said...

I'm pretty sure it's yes, yes, and yes. Very cold tnite. My heating bill was 5 times what it was last month. FIVE TIMES! How does that even happen? So I'm freezing everyone out here. Frosty would stay frozen in here.

RecknHavic said...

That's hig. Don't worry tho, Obama's gonna pay your bills for you soooon.

Bummer for D. Gotta feelin he'll get one before it's over. Hopefully he's doin better at cards.

Off to p/u the girl.

Fire goin, tho it's borderline cold enough. What the hell...

Linda said...

Actually his 13 yr. old nephew won the hold em games, but it was a nice thought.

I've had it warmin it's electric blanky time. gn

RecknHavic said...


Nestor said...

About the draft coming through the door...move to Texas. That'd take care of it. Our gas bill doubled from last month, and I'm guessing it'll go up another 50% next month, then hold fairly steady. We're at the point where it's set, and during the day it's not on because it's warm enough, but at night that bad boy's on. It's crazy how we have this 35-40 degree temperature fluctuation going on here.

Nestor said...

I guess our low 35, high 75 isn't too bad though compared to your low 20, high 35.

RecknHavic said...

The big temp swings are a challenge some times, especially when it comes to dressin.I was workin late the other night (think it was fri) when that front blew in. Shorts and a tee aren't the warmest thing in a cold breeze. Course, still haven't resorted to the warm-ups (for work) yet; jacket tho.

Linda said...

Yeah, we don't really get that kind of difference in one day.

We were talkin term limits at breakfast- what? Don't you do that? And I was tellin the little one that the most Obama can serve is 8 years, cuz that's the law. And he says, "But he's the pwesident. He can just say, 'That. Wule. Is. OFF!' :)

RecknHavic said...

Intrestin bweakfast conversation. I'm impressed. Wouldn't be surprised if they do change it.

Our brekafast convo was more along the lines a which do you like better, Capt Crunch or CC w/ crunch berries.
Slight difference.

RecknHavic said...

So, did T jump in and explain term limits to him? :)

Linda said...

That's weird...I didn't see you here...

Linda said...

Oh. Crunch Berries. (Which is what they were eatin, btw.)

Linda said...

We're not going to see Glenn this time. First show is muzzleloading weekend for D, second is Thanksgiving weekend. I just heard he's showing it in movie theatres on December 18th which is a Thursday. The closest theatre is about 45-55 min. away. Hmmmm...I can't decide if it's worth gettin a sitter, etc., just to go, eat popcorn and cry for an hour. Oh I have a feeling this one's gonna be a tear jerker. I'm torn.

Nestor said...

I considered the theatre thing, but I don't know, maybe. He needs to make a trip to Austin. He's been to SA, Houston and Dallas, what's the deal? I know this is the liberal captial of Texas, but there are conservatives here, especially the cities around Austin. Plus Austin is centrally located.

I thought it was a totally made up story, but I'm thinking it's part of his life story. From what he's said about his past, it would probably be pretty sad at parts.

Linda said...

Yeah, it's based on himself. The Christmas sweater is the last gift his mom gave him before she killed herself when he was 13. I'm thinkin it might be just bit sad. ;)

Linda said...

Hey fellas...check this out to see if you should be allowed to vote. I got 12/15...whew! I'm allowed. That's good, cuz I did. Only thing is, you can't see what you got wrong. But I don't expect either of you political geniouses to get any wrong! :)

RecknHavic said...

I missed two. Thinkin one was the SCOTUS question, not sure what the other one was.

Watch the youtube video at this site and read the poll results that come w/ it and tell me if these people should be allowed to vote.

go to

Linda said...

Not horribly surprising, but I do have some commentary.

I think this speaks mostly to the media, or where people choose to get their news. And really, I'm thinking most people don't watch all that much news. You gotta be interested in it in the first place to tune in. And right or wrong, I've always seen politics as an "interest", a hobby of sorts. It's not for everybody...but voting is! There's the rub.

I had not heard about Biden quitting a campain because of plaigerism, or Obama winning his first election by getting opponents kicked off the ballot. Hmmmm...

The Palin/"Alaska from her house" was a trick question, in my opinion. You've got people concentrating on 4 people's names. You give em 4 names and tell them to choose one. Then you give em all sorts of questions and throw that one in. I probably would have fell for it, too. That was dumb.

Interesting video!

RecknHavic said...

That's the whole point, people SHOULD know that Biden plagerized a Brit's speech, or that Obama got his 3 dem opponents (one was a sittin Ill. congresswomen who was WAY ahead in the polls; she also got Obama interested in political off), etc.

Instead, because of an actively deceptive media, thay know all about trivial Palin stuff.

Our Pravda is alive and well and will feel more emboldened now that they have their guy in.

RecknHavic said...

Imagine for a second if Palin claimed there were 58 states, or McCain said Obama was the first "clean and articulate" black politician?

*OPEN* up your eyes!!

Linda said...

Why are you yellin at ME, Stan? I agree with you. :)

BUT, Obama did not "claim" there were 57 states. Let's be fair about what are slip ups and what aren't. I'd rather not imagine Palin sayin any more than she already did. (ducking for cover)

Linda said...

What the heck's "Pravda" mean?

Linda said...

I finally got my elusive calzone today. It was very good (and bought for me which made it even better..tho we split it after Choi and I coulda eaten the whole thing cuz I was dang hungry.)

RecknHavic said...

Riiight, he claimed there were 58. Yes, it was an innocent slip-up. If it'd been Palin, they'd (the media) still be laughin and talkin about it.

Palin is a regular, grounded person...much like the folks who founded our country and wrote that whole Constitution thing.

She's just MUCH better lookin :)

RecknHavic said...

You see, I don't buy into the Ivy League requirements for elected office.
The reasons given for Palin not bein qualified for prez were (are) the exact reasons I thought (and think) she is.

We have citizen soldiers, why not citizen politicains. Biden, Obama; these guys careers (like most repubs and dims) are politics.

RecknHavic said...

Hey, I'm down w/ the calzone (must have I-tie sausage).

Pravda was the name for the USSR official newspaper.

Linda said...

GB did an interesting thing today on his show. I didn't hear it live but I saw the link to the video on his website. They were talking about how Chris Matthews has changed over the years. They linked a youtube vid of he and GB back when Gov. Schwartzenegger (don't make me spell that) got elected in 2004. Anyway, it related to what we're talking about...check it out if you're interested. There's a transcipt of GB's convo w/ Stu and the clip of Matthews. Who I watch every day at 5:00.

Linda said...

I agree with that part of what you're saying. We always say we're sick of the typical politicians and wouldn't it be nice to just have someone who's not a real politician. Having said that, I do think they need to be/seem more knowledgable than Palin did to me. I'm not alone here, it was a popular concensus, and I don't mean from the "liberal media". I'm not saying she was horrible. I just would have liked to have had more confidence in her knowledge base. It's possible it was the mismanagement of the McCain campain, but regardless.

RecknHavic said...

OMG! Please tell me you don't watch Matthews every day.
I used to watch him (hell, I read his book) when he was fairer (not the pretty fairer; you know what I mean).

He's reverted back to his Tip Oneal speech writer days. Btw, he used to be a syndicated newspaper article writer when Reagan was prez. He wrote some of the most ridiculous, inflammatory things ever written about Reagan.

I mostly used to watch him cause I liked his personality. But he's a total liberal wh*re.

RecknHavic said...

Please list the topics that you think Palin needs a greater "knowledge base".

Linda said...

Gawd, I hate when you start sentences with "please list..."

Linda said...

Too late, I already told you. I know, but I still like his personality. I roll my eyes at him and occasionally say things to the t.v., but there's something about him that I still like. He seems like a decent guy to me.

RecknHavic said...

Perhaps your perception is that Palin doesn't have an extensive "knowledge base". Ya know, they said the same thing about Reagan.

No more "please list"...I promise...

Course I noticed you didn't (couldn't) list any.

Ok, now I'm duckin...

RecknHavic said...

You should read "Let Me tell You What I Really Think". You'll find that he's patriotic and loves this country. He's just got skewed ideas about what this country stands for.

BUT, I stand by the "liberal wh*re" statement.

Linda said...

Let's just say I think it would have behooved her not to respond to debate questions with, and I'm paraphrasing, 'I'm not going to answer some of your questions' or, 'I'm not going to answer that right now because I wanna talk about energy'. Cringe.

Linda said...

You gettin a kick out of quoting my "knowlege base" for some reason?

Linda said...

In other words, I don't think it's my job to list things I want my vice presidential candidate to know. I think it's her job to impress me with what she does know. And she didn't.

RecknHavic said...

What a cop-out.

Sooo...what impressed you about the other "qualified" VP candidate.
Was it his opposition to the original pipeline from Alaska (that produces 20% of nations supply), perhaps it was his aversion to SDI (the Strategic Defense Initiative) or Star Wars as it's popularly referred to, maybe it was when he said that he and Barack wanted to put NATO (yes NATO) troops into Lebanon when we and the French kicked Hezbollah out (which we and the French never did), or just maybe it was his hardened stance against the first Gulf War, tho it coulda been his stringent vote of no confidence to the troop surge, recent chats at eateries that have been closed down for 20 years, shoppin at Home Depot...

Just wonderin...

Linda said...

I don't remember sayin that Biden impressed me. I didn't vote for him. But at least he could speak to all those issues he was so wrong on.

Linda said...

Joe Biden shops at Home Depot??

RecknHavic said...

So havin a "knowledge base" that's incorrect makes a person qualified to be 2nd in line to the presidency.

Linda said...

Apparently to over 50% of the population, yes.

RecknHavic said...

Biden has been consistently wrong on most major issues his entire career. This makes him "unqualified" to me. Palin (on the issues she addressed) seemed quite knowledgeable and qualified to me.

Palin's anti-establishment. You should know me well enough by now to know that would appeal to me.

Linda said...

Because in this case "incorrect" is a matter of opinion.

Linda said...

I do. And she appeals to me, too. I just wasn't as sold as you, that's all.

RecknHavic said...

No, to over 50% of the pop he "seemed" knowledgeable by the way he answered. That, and Palin never really challenged him.

Same w/ Obama, it's all about appearance, not about substance.

Linda said...

I'd have to disagree there. Sure, there were plenty of people that got caught up in the whole 'Obama thing'. (What a rush!) But there have always been two ideologies from which plenty of informed, intellegent people choose. And one party doesn't win every time.

RecknHavic said...


Please list...oh...sorry...

Explain to me how the surge was a bad thing, the pipeline's a mistake, SDI (which Gorbachev said was the nail in the coffin to the USSR) was bad, or how Barack Obama could have had any influence on Lebonese politics at age 18 (Biden later said he was referrin to when Reagan sent in "peace keepers"), or how lettin Sadaam take over Kuwait was a good move, and how Biden had a conversation w/ a fella in a bldg that doesn't exist anymore?

I'll give ya the Home Depot thing cause I shop there and they're Christmas friendly.

RecknHavic said...

Did ya watch the youtube thing?

People responded to promised change. Well, there gonna get it. Tho it's the same ol liberism that it always was.

RecknHavic said...

Fixin to watch taped Amazin Race.

We'll cont this convo later (manana) I hope. That'll give ya time to think of issues that Palin needs to address :)


Linda said...

Why do I need to list things in favor of Biden? How did it come to this? I'm simply saying that there are Democrats (gasp!) and they believe differently than you. It doesn't mean they're all stupid.

RecknHavic said...

If democrats think that 20% less domestic fuel production is a good thing, or that the existence of the former Soviet Union is swell, that the One influenced the Mid-East as a teenager, or that Sadaam controllin huge amounts of oil and natural gas was smart and/or that a troop surge that had a significant impact on less US and Iraqi deaths via terrorists attacks in Iraq is all good for our country, then yes, they're all stupid.

Glad the winey couple are out a the AR too. In fact, since the dude was a vegan, they're probably liberals as well.

And gn!

Nestor said...

Reck, for a minute I thought you were a 'Lowe's guy'. It's funny. When I went to visit my mom in NC, they said that in NC you're supposed to shop at Lowe's, because Lowe's is from NC. Home Depot is from GA so apparently that's bad. To me, Lowe's is nicer, but more expensive, and I have a harder time finding stuff there. The caveat is that Home Depot is much easier to get to as it's on this (east) side of 35. The light to come back this way on the west side of 35 is terrible. Plus HD is in the same shopping center as Target and Lowe's is next to Wal-Mart. I think Wal-Mart is secretly managed by Mr. Burns. I'm just sayin'.

Linda said...

Aw man. I can't sleep. I just have all these issues Palin needs to address whirrrling around in my mind. Every time I doze off...pop! Another one occurs to me.

Gee it's a shame this snarky night has to end. Fine. I'll go.

Nestor said...

I took the test and got 14. There must be something wrong with the grading system because I'm never wrong. ;)

I get what you're saying. There're stupid people out there that think that socialism is a good idea. There are actually even smart people out there that somehow think that THIS time socialism will work. It hasn't worked yet because America hasn't tried it. I have some friends who are Christians who supported Obama, partly because they feel like Bush has been bad, and partly (whether this is conscious or not I don't know) because they believe in the social experiment. They believe the right thing to do morally is to "help" the poor. The thing they don't get is that Jesus never said; "Pay extra taxes to Caesar so he can help the poor". Jesus said: "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." (Mt 22:21b) I don't think Jesus would ever say: "The government should help the poor." He would say: "YOU need to help the poor" (I expect he might even poke his forefinger into your chest if necessary, but I think Jesus was probably good at giving 'the look')

If we pay less taxes, we have more available money to help the poor. Some people do it, some don't, but you should have that choice. If the government takes your money and gives it to the poor, only a fraction of your money actually gets to the poor. If I give to a charity that has a good rating or even to the poor around me, my money will be spent much more effectively.

As well meaning as some of Obama's supporters were, I just don't think they got this point. I think in four years they will. If we still have democracy left in 2010 and 2012, there will be a Republican landslide when the Christians and entrepreneurs who supported Obama come to their senses.

OK this became a blog post, but I'll leave it here, because I didn't clean it up.

RecknHavic said...

Mornin all.

Yes, I'm a Depot man. Lowes is too confusin. Plus, in their paint department they don't stock the builders paper near the maskin tape; I mean, come on!

So while I'm sittin here, sippin a steamin cup a Kirkland brand coffee (startin to like it better than Folgers)readin Lin's last few comments and Nestor's sm novel it occurred to me that the three of us agree on quite a few things and are all probably solid conservatives. The big difference is that Nest & I embrace our conservatism and Lins fights it.
Sorry little sister, you're more than half way to the dark side.

I'm just sayn...

RecknHavic said...

Article about Beck at TH.

RecknHavic said...

Is your compute still on the fritz?

RecknHavic said...

Tell those computer nerds to get it in gear! Course I guess some things take time. So, to pass the time here's the only "time" joke I know...

Time flies like an arrow.
Fruit flies like a banana.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the computer's still as Best Buy. Lucky for me D came home w/ the lap top.

I'm not sure about that 'we three conservatives' thing. If that's true, then you're right...I'm fightin it. :)

Nestor said...


You are a conservative. You're not hardcore like Reck and me, but you're definitely more conservative than John McCain.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible to be a pro-choice, no on prop 8, agnostic conservative? I'm not sure about that. :)

Anonymous said...

Reck, let me know how and when you wanna draft. Or just call me.

RecknHavic said...

Refresh our memories as to how this 2nd draft works please.